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Cybex 625a Arc Trainer with Standard Console


The 625A is a lower-body cross trainer that is popular with facilities looking to provide variety for their users. Given the 625A Arc Trainer's versatility, a single unit can meet a wide range of user needs and desires.

The Cybex Arc Trainer burns more calories than any other cross trainer or elliptical cross trainer tested, according to studies. It works the right muscles, such as the quads and glutes, which require a lot of energy from the body when put to work. That translates to a significant calorie expenditure. And because the Arc Trainer works the muscles rather than the joints, it can be used for longer periods of time without causing pain in the knees, hips, or back.


Brand: Cybex


1 Year Warranty


The Cybex 625a Arc Trainer Features:

-Numeric display of time distance, calories, calories/hour, METs, watts, strides per minute and heart rate including multi-color indication of heart rate range. Lower display shows time. incline and resistance level.

-Quick Start, Manual, three Weight Loss, three Cardio, two Strength and Heart Rate Control. Programs have 10 levels and control both incline and resistance.

-Split level display with magazine rack. Centrally located water bottle holder and dual utility trays.

-Heart Rate Monitoring: Contact and wireless. HR light indicator is multicolored with different color light for specific target heart rate zones.

-Power Requirements: Self Powered, Cordless. It uses an alternator and battery for power

- Incline Levels: 21

- Stride Length: 24"

- Resistance Range: up to 900 Watts

- Drive type: Two-stage drive

- Brake: Brushless Eddy current brake with generator


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